Basic Information

Basic infornation of Seigakuin University

Foundation 1988
School motto Love God and Serve His People
Enrollment Faculty 2,408 / Graduate course 40 (as of May 1, 2021)
Faculty / Department 3 Faculties, 5 Departments (For more information)
Graduate School 3 Courses
Campus Saitama-Ageo Campus (62,313㎡)
Attatched schools Seigakuin Midori Kindergarten
Seigakuin Kindergarten
Seigakuin Primary School
Seigakuin Junior & Senior High School
Joshi Seigakuin Junior & Senior High School
∗All sites in Japanese
Address 1-1 Tosaki, Ageo-shi, Saitama-ken, 362-8585 Japan
Telephone +81-48-781-0925 (General affairs)
+81-48-725-6191 (Admission Center)